
Korongo – Tanzania

Orange, Turkish Delight, Apple Crumble

SKU: N/A Category:


Country: Tanzania

Region: Mbozi, Mbeya, Mbinga

Washing Station: Korongo

Producer/Farmer: Small Farm Holders

Altitude: 1600 – 1900 MASL

Variety: Bourbon, Typica

Processing: Fully Washed

Flavours: Orange, Turkish Delight, Apple Crumble

Suggested for use with Filter brew methods.

Named after the Tanzanian word for “Flamingo”, Korongo is sourced from a network of washing stations across Mbozi, Mbeya & Mbinga, in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands. In addition to growing coffee, farmers typically intercrop with corn, beans, groundnuts, sunflowers and ginger.

Cherry is all hand-harvested at each small holder farm individually. The various coffees from across the region are then collected and sold under the banner of “Korongo”. This vertical integration gives smaller farmers access to larger markets they would otherwise be too small to access and enables them to get the best price possible for their produce.